Traveling to Cuba

TalavanPhoto - Cuba
TalavanPhoto – Cuba

So Cuba is the hot spot right now.  Let’s talk about how to get there.  In this post on, we have included several links because traveling to Cuba is new for a lot of people.  We wanted to provide as much information as possible without writing a novel J.  We decided the most effective and efficient way to do this—it seemed would be through links.  We’ve researched several sources and will identify them throughout the post as we go along.

At the moment, Cuba is still under-developed.  But, there are many proposals being discussed which would make traveling there easier by boat and by plane.  Cuba is only 90 miles off the coast of America, but restrictions and regulations have made it difficult for most Americans to even consider it as a viable tourist/vacation spot—up until recently.

Travel Information & Sources was the first source we found interesting.  Their travel link: 7 Things Americans Should Know About Travel to Cuba (Posted: 22 Sep 2015 by Patrick Oppmann) provided a great general knowledge base for how the overall process occurred.  As you may know, travel to Cuba was very limited for well over 50 years.  Currently, though diplomatic relationships have been restored, things are still being worked out and navigating travel restrictions can be a little confusing.  For instance, one of the things Oppmann mentions in his article is that U.S. citizens needed approval from the Treasury Department to spend money in Cuba.  (Since the publishing of the post, a lot has changed, and you’ll need to research further beyond our post to get the latest information regard traveling to Cuba).

However, should you find yourself on the Island nation, we are sure you’ll enjoy the weather

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and beaches.  With white sands and temperatures ranging between 68 – 88 degrees, Cuba seems like it’s another tropical paradise.  We visited the site, Cuba Rocks.  It lists several things We found useful about Cuba—Where to Go, What to Do, Travel Tips, What to Take, –you name it and they seemed to have some small blurb to get you started on planning your awesome Cuban adventure.

We went to the Department of State’s website,, and found other basic information that might prove helpful from an official standpoint – but it wasn’t exactly a “travel brochure” about all the fun you could possibly have in Cuba.  For that, I had to visit a site called World Travel Guide.  It seems to be a very authentic site that really gives you a real look at the country…as it is, now.  The site is good for indicating what a trip to Cuba would be like.  If you want to get an insight about Havana, Santiago, and other locations in the country, I would definite recommend taking a look at this site.  A few photos, write-ups and links to additional sites are also available there; which will help inform and update you about new changes in Cuba.

Speaking of which, the last link we want to tell you about in this post is one called  This site rounds out our post by giving you a more renaissance version of Cuba.  The site itself even looks more commercialized, as if it were an official type travel/tourist site for the country (it’s actually a UK site, but…it works for information).

Well… Are you ready to travel to Cuba?  If so, we just might have tickets for that!  Check with us as and don’t forget, Travel well!