Alternate Ways to Deal with Pain



I’m a disabled veteran that has some noticeable health issues that the Veterans Association has been treating me for.  Regardless of how good the treatment is, I’m getting older and new aches and pains manifest regularly.  For the last weak I’ve been nursing a pain in my left leg that has made me decide to explore what options are there for pain management.  Prescribed medical solutions from a doctor is a no-brainer, but sometimes you might want to think outside the box.  Keep in mind that I’m not advocating anything illegal (enjoy your cannibus Colorado and DC), but instead I want to put forward some concepts that might help people to avoid relying on an overabundance of medication.  Some people (like me) have responsibilities that keep them from being doped up all day.


An altered state of mind can be achieved in more ways then one.  Simple meditation can be a great way to get your mind off the pain currently debilitating you.  I had a teacher in my technical school that been diagnosed with breast cancer but never pursued any form of medical treatment.  Instead she focused on meditation and qi-gong exercises.  Within a year she was featured in the local news as she was in full remission without ever getting a single round of kemo.  Mind-over-matter can be the key to pain management and general relaxation.

Meditation doesn’t require a fancy guru or a crystal focus.  It can be accomplished simply via a quiet room, something to focus your attention on and an open mind.  Just don’t expect to unlock the secrets of the universe on the first attempt, but if you do please let me know what I am doing wrong.


Most people wouldn’t consider physical fitness when in pain but it might be more effective then you think.  Our bodies are designed to be active.  In fact our lymphatic system, which is a secondary circulatory system, is an active system.  That means in order for it to successfully aid out body in removing waste products we need to be physically active and literally work up a sweat.  During a deployment to the Middle East I noticed that my body had developed a negative response to something in the environment causing my skin to be irritated and itchy.  A friend suggested that I work out to promote my lymphatic system to remove waste via sweating and I was surprised to find out that after an hour on the elliptical my condition had already improved by the next day.

When we exercise our body releases different hormones in response to sooth the natural responses of the human form to stimuli and stress.  Those natural releases might help with pain management just as well as prescribed medicine if not better.


Going back to the concept of mind-over-matter while meditation was referenced as a way to clear the pain from your mind, a hobby that you are deeply engaged in might help to put your focus else-wear.  I have friends that loose track of time, discomfort and hunger when deep in their beloved pastimes.  Regardless of it you like to veg out on reality tv or crush noobs in a first-person shooter, just getting your mind off the pain for a couple minutes can be a big relief.